Monday, 30 July 2012

Flymount tests the JVC ADIXXION and compares it with GoPro and Drift

We just got the first JVC Adixxion camera, small, waterproof to 5 metres, shockproof, 1080p, up to 60 frames per sec, 5mp stills, intervalometer - pretty impressive spec. Even better, it's got WiFi so it can connect to your smartphone and you can shoot and control the camera from your phone at some distance. I've got up to 50 metres so far. In the hand it's lovely, a really great design with all features falling easily to hand and with a nice little screen like the Drift. There will be a number of updates over the next few weeks - we are shooting in France in Mid August so should be taking the new Adixxion in canyons and sea, on bikes and BMX (with luck), maybe even base jumping. I'll be doing video and stills comparison tests so we'll see what this little beauty can do in the field. Here are some shots from the office which show its size and compared with a GoPro. Pretty neat. And compared to the Drift, similar screens, similar view but without the Drift's rotating lens. Much smaller though.

Monday, 23 July 2012

How to make a movie - utterly lovely. A stunning edit by French photographer JC Pieri

Alain Massabova - 40 years in Paris from ART BMX MAGAZINE on Vimeo.

Big water drops on GoPro, Drift, Contour type cameras spoil your videos - there are solutions!

While it's not the most exciting video in the world you do see the water drop problem. Some people use Rain-X and that may be fine, but if you are out there without it a good lick can help.  No harmful chemicals either (not that I know what's in Rain-X, it's probably absolutely safe). An old trick I used when my windscreen wipers failed once in Scotland is to use a potato  cut in half and smeared on the lens (or your windscreen) - although you may not have a ready supply of potatoes in your pocket. Still, now you're warned I'm sure you'll take a few just in case. Someone also suggested using wax and polishing carefully to create a low friction coating on the lens. Take care in sand!
Licking seems the safest bet and if you can't lick the lens, just drop it in the water a few times and enjoy the visual effects as water runs off at speed.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Flymount in South Korea with Guerilla House

Our newest distributor, Guerilla House Underwater Videography in South Korea, is taking the Flymount to action people in the Far East. If you're there and looking for the best action camera mount in the world, get in touch with the guys at Guerilla House.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Flymount sponsors The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect brings women from all over the world to enjoy the ocean with like minded people - and have a lot of fun. Look at their Facebook page:

Tatiana Howard shoots with GoPro and a Flymount in Maui

Windsurf Maui with Tatiana from Tatiana Howard on Vimeo.

Crazy icemen using Flymount at Burning Ice meet

Krisjanis Tutans sent a great shot using a Flymount at Medano

Kristjanis Tutans made this great shot with his Flymount while sailing at Medano in Tenerife - we're getting some wonderful images from our sailing customers - how about some of you land action people being really creative and sending us some new images?

Flymount one of 3 winners in UKTI export competition

Flymount won a useful pot of money to promote the new Flymount product in markets around the world. We were voted for after a presentation given by Chris Knapton, company director, to 60 leading business people in the Roundhouse in Derby, United Kingdom. The audience actually gave live votes on various questions and the answers we gave, quite intimidating until Chris realised that they loved the product and the export potential. We got great feedback and the audience and the judges came up to Chris at the end and told him how much they thought of the company and its products. Flymount and the other 2 winners all sat on the same table by a bizarre coincidence, so we had a great evening discussing business and the joys of exporting.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Toby Munson wins the first Flymount this year!

Toby Munson just won a brand new Flymount with GoPro adaptor on our Facebook referral competition. Well done Toby!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Monday, 9 July 2012

Flymount T-shirts - new designs

Here's another Flymount T-shirt - we're evolving the designs around the themes of photography and film because Flymounts are the ultimate mount for your action cameras. Only the technology changes - people have been creating photo albums for more than 150 years and films since 1895 - and before that they were making paintings and tapestries about action events. The Bayeux Tapestry was a video of the Norman Conquest, just using the technology of the time. I wonder how many of our videos will be around after 1000 years?
More T-shirts to come over the next few days.

Share to win - Flymount giveaway on Facebook

Drop in to our Facebook page and share our post to enter our FREE competition to win a new Flymount!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Monday, 2 July 2012

New T-Shirt designs

Peter Grubb of Petrol Design has designed a new series of Flymount T-Shirts for sale and as prizes in Flymount competitions. Nice quality, good cotton, what do you think of the designs so far? Vote on our Facebook page.

Great video of Adam Sims edited by Seb Godsmark

Check this out, Seb's edit is something else!

Freestyle Windsurfing in Egypt with Adam Sims and Micho Alvarez - 2012 from Adam Sims on Vimeo.

Great pics by Yann Rifflet using a GoPro and Flymount

Look at these images - where would you rather be right now?

Top Vélo reviews Flymount

French cycling magazine Top Vélo recently reviewed the Flymount and reckoned it's great! 'Quasi-universal, strong, multi-positionable and keeps your camera safe. If you want an attachment, start with this'
Quasi-universal is right. We are getting many people with multiple sports using the Flymount - you can windsurf with it then pop it on your mountain bike, fit it on your racing car or your blokart, shoot great sailing images on your sail boat and add it to the wing of your microlite for great aerial shots. The main television crews are now using Flymounts in preference to expensive, heavy and often untrustworthy alternatives. It's opened a whole new arena for professionals and enthusiasts alike.
If your action equipment has a bar ranging from 20-40mm (48mm if slid on) you can safely shoot action footage knowing that you'll come back with great results - and your camera!

Flymount sponsors Adam Sims

Earlier this month British pro freestyler Adam Sims announced that he has a couple of new sponsors to back him for this season and for many seasons to come. The two new sponsors in question are Patrik and Flymount.
Adam Sims signing with Patrik is motivated by him deciding to step up his game to an international level. He decided to move on to the international windsurfing scene and to do that Adam Sims decided to sign with Patrik. As a Patrik team member Sims will be able to show off his skills to an international audience – also as a team member, Sims will help bring Patrik boards into the UK.
“Despite endless work to get on other international teams the opportunities never came about and I held myself back, not selling myself short to wait patiently for the right deal,” said Adam Sims. “So to finally sign on to a brand that is building a reputation amongst all the best sailors in the world as the boards to be on, is possibly the best feeling of all. I guess all the waiting, 1000′s of hours and Euros and the commitment to the sport has been worth it.”
Before we move on, it must be mentioned here that by joining the Patrik International Team, Adam Sims had to give up to his place on the RRD Team.
Moving on, Adam Sims’ second sponsor is Flymount, company that provides windsurfing mounts. Sims explained that he’s been using their mounts for quite some time and is looking forward to working with Flymounts on future projects.